Babora's hello message

Hi everyone
So I assume that most of you who will be looking at my blog, are going to be fellow drama students, so there is obviously not going to be any pressure on making sure that I have all my dramatical information absolutely correct.
I will try my utmost to entertain those of you who are interested in finding out about what's hip and what's shit in theatre at the moment, but please forgive me if I manage to fail completely. Sometimes I find myself stuck for words for a piece of theatre that meant absolutely nothing to me and made me feel absolutely nothing...
So lets hope I go to some amazing theatre and that you guys take inspiration from my reviews to go and see them.
Keep exploring theatre!

Saturday 11 December 2010

HAMLET, By Zimbabwe

2 men playing 8 characters.This specific performance of Hamlet, was original and inspiring as they took on the challenge of creating a Zimbabwean Shakespeare. Putting their own history and language into it. Talking to the audience in a foreign tongue and educating the audience with snippets of Zimbabwean culture.


Shakespeare has always been a 50:50 ratio of like: dislike with me. However, this performance of "Merry Wives of Windsor" was wonderful. It was one of the most entertaining pieces of Shakespeare I have seen in a long time. It was performed in the traditional way that I feel Shakespeare should always be demonstrated. Great lead roles from Mistress Ford and Mistress Page, who prance around like little school girls, enjoying the practical joke they play on the fat and hairy John Falstaff. Shakespeare shows once again his mischievous humour and outrageous wit. The play was simply performed to the perfect presentation. Thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyable!