Babora's hello message

Hi everyone
So I assume that most of you who will be looking at my blog, are going to be fellow drama students, so there is obviously not going to be any pressure on making sure that I have all my dramatical information absolutely correct.
I will try my utmost to entertain those of you who are interested in finding out about what's hip and what's shit in theatre at the moment, but please forgive me if I manage to fail completely. Sometimes I find myself stuck for words for a piece of theatre that meant absolutely nothing to me and made me feel absolutely nothing...
So lets hope I go to some amazing theatre and that you guys take inspiration from my reviews to go and see them.
Keep exploring theatre!

Monday, 23 May 2011


What an overwhelmingly emotional peace. The constant pain and strain of the main actress made me hurt a little, but also frustrated me somewhat as the breathing became her script more than her words. A harsh comment but this is levelled out by the true respect I have for her playing such a difficult and demanding part. Her lines seemed to go on for an age and she did not let on that she forgot a single one. Not only this but her and her partner had to perform 3 characters each, disguised only by masks. Who would have thought the same two people went on that stage throughout the production. Very promising acting!

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